Monday, July 19, 2004

What a Day!
Okay, so I wasn't there--I was stuck in the undisclosed location, but about 250 people came to Jeff Smith's organizing convention and made it a huge success. This wasn't just a get together and hear about Jeff day, this was a day to plan how to make Jeff the next Congressman from the 3rd District of Missouri.  There was great energy in planning 10 town halls to bring voters out to meet Jeff where the hardest working man in politics will leave no question unanswered!  We'll have details to come, but remember two League of Women voters forums are happening. The first is tonight in Arnold which is just over the line in Jefferson County. 
League of Women Voters Debate #1
Monday, July 19, 2004 - 7:00 pm
Fox School District Rickman Auditorium
747 Jeffco Blvd.
Arnold, MO 63010
Next Monday will be the second Debate and it will be in the Saint Louis City.  One of the biggest helps you can be between now and then is to talk up Jeff and the opportunities to see him whether it be debates, coffees or town hall meetings.  Because once someone sees Jeff, they become hooked! 


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