Sunday, May 02, 2004

Lt. Governor Race-Missouri

The candidates are both outstanding.

Bekki Cook is the former Secretary of State and from Cape Giradeau. As Secretary of State she replaced an impeached office holder and was appointed by Mel Carnahan. She immediately turned the office around and instituted the first website ever for this office.

She was reelected in her own right and has an excellent reputation.

Senator Ken Jacob is currently the Minority Leader in the Missouri Senate. As leader of the minority he has become an expert in filibusters to slow down Senate action on Catherine Hanaway's Missouri House cruel legislation cutting Medicaid and health insurance for kids. A recent example was adjourning the Senate for a day while Republican Senators were off the floor.

Ken was elected to the MO House in 1984 from Columbia and has served in the General Assembly ever since.

If the position were solely an Executive Position, Bekki Cook would be the best candidate. These functions include membership on the Board of Public Buildings, Board of Fund commissioners, MO Finance Development Board, MO Housing Development Commission, MO Rural Economic Development Commission and the MO Tourism Commision. The Lt. Governor also acts as Governor when the Governor is out of state and succeeds the Governor upon his death.

The other Major duty is to preside over the Missouri Senate on a daily basis. When the general assembly is controlled by Republicans, this duty is of great importance.

Due to the mean legislation now being enacted by Republicans, I believe Ken Jacob is the person we should support.


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